Important Message

16 Jul

This was posted as a comment, I am reposting so it is more widely read.    Please heed Herb’s advice, and take action as described.  Its amazing that this is starting at roughly the same time of year.    This proposed mall is not needed, at an overcrowded intersection (yeah, deja vu)



As some of you may recall, I was a Planning Board member until December 2011, and spoke out on the Catena rezoning application early this year. I’m hoping to enlist you to oppose the latest rezoning proposal.

Steiner [owner of Wegman-Target Epicenter] wants to build more retail stores on the property behind Mr. Tire [Vespia’s] and the library/commuter lot. Right now that land is zoned for an office park. They want to rezone the property to permit 105,000 square feet of retail PLUS 400 additional commuter parking spaces. Also included will be a 4 way traffic light on Symmes so you can get to the new property and the Epicenter.

I think it’s going to be a traffic nightmare, especially on weekends. You might even have traffic back up from the new light, past the jughandle, to Rt 9.

The first step in the plan would be for the Planning Board to amend the Master Plan to permit retail stores in OP10 zones. [this property is the only OP10 zone on Route 9, and might be the only one in Manalapan]. There is a Planning Board meeting on July 26. We need a big turnout to show that there is substantial opposition to this plan. The second step would be the Township Committee enacting an ordinance effectuating the Master Plan Revision. If the Planning Board changes the master plan on July 26, the Township Committee will consider an ordinance change on August 15. Put that date on your calendar too.

Also, please send emails to the Planing Board and Township Committee voicing your concerns [you could just send one to the mayor and copy the Deputy, Committemen and Lovrich; send a separate one to Eleanor at the Planning Board]. Also, forward this email to anyone who would voice their concerns either in an email or make an appearance at the meetings. We really need a big turnout, even if not everyone speaks. Just filling the room lets the Plannning Board and the Township Comm of the opposition.

Mayor Susan Cohen
Deputy Mayor Don Holland
Committeeman Andrew Lucas
Committeeman Ryan Green
Committeeman Jordan Maskowitz
Township Administrator Tara Lovrich

Planning Board: Eleanor Ruggiero, Recording Secretary
[you should specifically ask her to distribute your email to all Planning Board members]

FYI – Committeeman Ryan Green is running for re-election in November.

Please contact me if you have any questions. thanks.

Herb Lazar

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