Archive | October, 2011

This round goes to the residents!

28 Oct

I think the consensus was that last nite was a win.  Having more opportunity to discuss, rather than a quick approval of the OP-3 use would have been

51 people, not counting the Catena team showed up.   I let out a sigh of relief when siignifcant numbers of people showed, even with the rain and the world series.   I applaud you!

It was great that people got up and gave heartfelt testimony regarding their love for Manalapan and the way of life it currently offers.   Nothing was repetative, but I think the board and Mr Catena’s team got the point that we were united across neighborhoods and serious.

Mr Catena came over and introduced himself and chatted about some of the concerns briefly with some of us in the parking lot, which I thought was a classy move.  None of this is intended to target Mr Catena personally or how he runs his dealerships, we’d have the same stance with any dealership. 

Next steps are to take the coomunications up a level.  I am going to set up a discussion forum where the issues surrounding this can be discussed.  There was also interest expressed in in person meetings at the library and/or diner.

Again, thanks to every who signed the petiton (more on that later), came to the meeting, spoke, or continuing to monitor the situation, waiting for the right time to jump in!

Manalapan residents want brakes put on auto dealer plan

28 Oct

Residents Air Grievances about Possible Car Dealerships on Rt. 9

28 Oct

Thanks to all who participated so far more on this later.

100 Signatures!

27 Oct

100+ signatures! Excellent.

If you haven’t yet signed, please click the link on the right column.

Please also send your comments to the town committee at the addresses below. (Click on the links, and your mailer will open)

I’ll be printing and e-mailing the petition to them right before the meeting.

Remember please attend the meeting at 8pm Thursday at the municipal building.


25 Oct

I was going to look into a cool way to gauge how many people were coming to the meeting… but how about this.

If you plan on attending the meeting, please send an e-mail with subject of rsvp to: . Doesn’t have to say anything else, just looking for a virtual show of hands.

Things happen where you might rsvp, and then can’t make it, I get it… but if you intend now to go please send the e-mail.

We need to have a good turnout to give our government the opportunity to make the right decision.

The petition is now easier to find

25 Oct

Still new to the blogging software, but if you couldn’t find the petition, its now at the top of the right hand column. If you haven’t signed, please do it now. Please forward it to anyone in the surrounding developments, or actually, anyone who lives in Manalapan and doesn’t want to see this dealership at this location and/or change in zoning to allow any OP-3 zoned property to converted to a dealership. The office building next to Wendy’s for example. I’m assuming its zoned the same, and has for rent. Years from now, we may have the same fight, different location.

Also, please plan on attending the meeting at 8pm at the Municipal Building. I do not recommend that any of us meet with Ray Catena’s team at 7, as offered. I believe it will dilute the argument.

I do plan to be there early.

Ray Catena’s lawyer called…

25 Oct

…and is amazed that anyone other thaan the several familes right behind the dealership has an issue with the project.

While we knew we wouldn’t convince each other, he maintains its a good neighbor…. quoting other similar projects.

He offered to meet with those opposed at 7 on Thursday.  I don’t know if its productive or wise.

Important to come to the meeting

24 Oct

Just a reminder, as new people are seeing this daily. Its very important to come to the meeting on Thursday at 8pm, at the Municipal Building. I’m assured that all that come will be heard. If its only two or three people, we’re doomed, and this will come to pass.

The important thing is that we need to strive to not be repetitive. We will all have the common themes of noise, traffic, safety, etc. The thing we need to do is to listen to what the others have to say, and when getting up to speak , “second” what has been said “I agree with what the others have said… and… ” then adding your thoughts to the discussion. I don’t mean this to be obvious, but I think they will pay more attention if we set the tone that people will efficiently add new ideas, while showing how many others are agreeing with what has been said.


The Scanned docs

24 Oct

I’ve posted the public docs to:

The new thing I read in the engineering proposal is that they recommend amending the acceptable use of OP-3 to include dealerships! If I understand this correctly, any vacant office space can then easily be sold and converted to dealerships! Or at least it makes the barriers much, much lower.

This is perfect scary reading, as we approach Halloween. 😦

Got the documents

21 Oct

The planning board did as promised and made the copies.  I am scanniing them and will post them.